Before Lockdown I took some interesting photos that would have likely sat around in my camera roll had isolation not happened. With extra time on hand they could be developed into something interesting, even if it is just this post. The two sets perhaps fall into the theme of order & disorder.
This second set shows materials that fit into my work. Rubble bags & Sand bags being some that I have previously used. The stack of pallets are on the fringes of my work with future prospects, ideas are forming for their use in practice.
During Lockdown I’ve had the chance to explore closer to home for a short time each day. The remanence from the building of the estate & near by industrial units has begun to reveal its self. Recently I walked along what is normally a busy road that links the estate to the city, which I would normally drive along at 40Mph. By slowing down & walking the route some interesting details have revealed themselves. See each image for a detailed caption.
Alone none of these things carry much narrative but discovered & brought together they have correlation. Somehow colour & the numeracy of their form make them significant as a set.